behr bedroom paint color ideas

[ music playing ] hello it is brenda lotz, co-founder of lotzremodeling.comwith my husband mark for almost 3 decades. where we reinvigorate your home and by doingso transform your life; our show burning questions answers all your questions that need an expert’sadvice on. the burning question for today is, why is gray the new white? gray is thenew white. could i dare say maybe even more elegant than white. it is the new must havein your home, your furniture, window treatments or home design styles can stand confidentlyin front of the gray; while your painted gray walls become the sophisticated backdrop. paintingyour wall gray goes with most other paint colors but the classic look in home designand even fashion design is the pairing of
gray with pinks, purples, turquoises and evenwhites. that can mean painting accent walls these other paint colors or just adding thesecolors to your accessories within the room. just as you would pair a good wine with adinner selection, you should pair the perfect gray with the main color you are trying toshowcase in your home. but, maybe you are not into the classic feel in your home oroffice. they are many hues of gray with different temperatures that reflect your vibe such as modern, traditional or accleptic. the beautiful thing is that you can play around with thesecolors on an online site program such as sherwin williams and they have a color visualizeron their site. you can drop in the color you are trying to showcase, let’s say a shadeof pink, in your couch, flowers or artwork
and then drop in different grays on the wallto see which one works the best. keep switching that gray wall color to the one that besthighlights the focal color that you are trying to pop in that room. on our blog site here,we have a picture and it’s called inspired by food delicious delights. the gray inspirationcomes from the picture shown here; the delicious gray oysters and we have 3 gray colors fromsherwin williams that we thought were very beautiful. the first one is mink # 6004 from the sherwinwilliams color neutral family; the second one is silverpointe #7653 from the sherwinwilliams color whites family. the final one is called cloak gray #6278 from the sherwinwilliams violet family. so, get bold this
year, try a gray paint color as your new whitein your home and even office, i guarantee you won’t regret it. make this year, youryear for sophistication with gray paint. give mark or myself a call and we would love tocome out and show you how to have your home reflect your many moods and personalities.we have been at this for 3 decades and we love to help you out. give me your commentsbelow and we would also love if you send in your burning questions and we would love toput them out. remember, mark and i always feel that when you upgrade your home, youupgrade your life. let’s start today, check out this blog post and all of our photos onit by going to