bedroom wall colors feng shui

ok let's have some fun and see how we canrelate different aspects of our lives with different compass directions. so let us startfrom the north here. so north in chinese culture is down, in feng shui is down right here andnorth up here like in the western culture and that's because the north is lower energyso it starts, and remember it's solar design, it all starts from down here. so north representscareer in life and colors are dark black and dark blue and so it is water element. so thenwe go to north east, sun goes to north east. so then north east is very steel energy actuallyit's a mountain like energy, so it's represented by earth element. so therefore colors areearthy shades; yellow, browns the element is earth. so then we go to the east stage,this is where sun rises and then we have wood
energy of course. and east represents familyand health in feng shui. if you want to enhance our family relationship, harmony and our health,so wood would be the good element to introduce in the east. so then sun goes to south east.and this is the most beautiful part of the day, this is where energy is really risingand that's why southeast represents wealth, and the elements there are wood and water.