bedroom wall color

[music playing] hi, i'm lieslwith sherwin-williams. a fresh coat of paintcan totally transform the look of anyroom in your home. and all it takesis three simple steps. the first step is preparation. once you select the perfect color, use the sherwin-williamsonline calculator to find out how muchpaint you will need.
just measurethe height and the width of every wall you planto paint a certain color. then measurethe height and the width of any particularly largedoors or windows in the room. go to the homeowner siteat, select color, then colortools from the drop down menu. choose paint calculator and enterthe information you've gathered. it automatically calculates howmany gallons of paint you'll need or just ask sherwin-williams.
one of our experienced in-storeassociates will be happy to help you. before you leave the store, be sureto review our project checklists to make sure you haveeverything you need to finish the job. when you're ready to begin,gather your materials, remove your furnitureand take down any drapes as well. if you're painting a ceiling, covering light fixturesis also a good idea.
to protect trim,tape door jams and window sills with blue painter's tapeto deliver sharp, clean edges. next, remove any face plates. the few seconds it takessaves time later. a final cleaning of the walls willensure a smooth, uniform finish. step 2: you're ready to paint. whether you'reapplying a primer coat or using paint and primerin one, start at the top. paint the ceiling first,
so if you have a little spatteringon the walls, it won't matter. next, cut in a bordera few inches wide around windows, doors, baseboards and corners and wherethe walls meet the ceilings. now you're ready to roll. work in two square footsegments, one wall at a time. when you're done,move on to window trim. work your way downand paint the sills. paint the doors last.
that way you won't markthe wet paint as you come and go. if you're applyingtwo coats of paint, make sure the first coatis completely dry before continuing. this usually takesaround four hours. the third step is a quick cleanup. if you use the latex paint, clean your brush and roller coverswith a little household detergent and warm water. clean any excess paintfrom the top of the can
and stretch cellophanewrap over the opening. use a small malletto firmly tap the lid down. always check withyour community's policies to learn how to disposeof unused paint responsibly. and now take a step back andadmire your beautiful new space.