red and black living room decorations

hello.. welcome back to our channel.. today our video is about: 15 hello kitty bedroomdesign ideas for girls. if this is the first time visit here. plese consider to subscribe, so you won'tmiss the next great videos from us. decorating a room for girls is usually aneasy and creative process, because girls are determined in their interests and inspirations. naturally, girls are inspired and enchantedby cute and adorable things such as princess, kitties and cute dogs along with the trademarkcolor: pastel pink.
one of the most intensive inspiration andadoration, girls show for the most popular cat in the world with the cutest face ever,if you have kids you know that we are talking about hello kitty. hello kitty is a real sensation among littlegirls, they are enchanted by its cuteness, so if you were searching for a theme for yourlittle girl’s bedroom, here is an idea: hello kitty bedroom. hello kitty bedroom is one of the most popularinterior theme for a girl’s room. hello kitty bedroom requires simple and yetamazing decorative palette, consisting of a lot of pink color and hello kitty inspireditems.
after this you can check a showcase of 15adorable hello kitty bedroom ideas for girls which could serve as an inspiration. enjoy! 1. pretty pink hello kitty bedroom ideasif you have a teenage daughter who is a hello kitty fanatic, do not think twice before decoratingher bedroom with this pretty pink hello kitty design idea that looks cute and has the animatedkitty imprinted almost in all facades of the room. right from the draperies to the bed sheetto the wide collective display of hello kitty
studded toys in the cabinet, every featurehas this cute cartoon figure embossed. the pink theme seems to work magic in thisbedroom. 2. cute hello kitty bedroom furniture ideasthe bedroom here looks every bit a dream room that is perfectly fit for a young girl torest and have some fun too. the cute pink bed with a headboard designedin the shape of the head of hello kitty, the pink small cupboard with white borders bearingimprints of this cute animated character and the bed spread and pillow with a large imprintof the kitty contribute to the cuteness of this room.
the small side table also bears hello kittymotifs. 3. unique hello kitty room decorating ideasone can decorate a playroom or bedroom with hello kitty theme as seen here in the image. the playroom in pink color looks quite cutewith a bunk bed and a white stair. the bed is themed on this cute creature whereone can see a wide spread of hello kitty motifs designed on the canopy over the bed, and onthe covering used for the bed. the castle shaped canopy over the stair toobears the design of hello kitty. 4.
lovely hello kitty baby room with embroideredquilt seen here is a very lovely looking baby nurserywhere the whole decor is inspired by hello kitty design ideas. the main attractive feature to grab your attentionis the beautiful quilt that is embroidered with an imprint of a cute hello kitty. the walls, rug, curtains and paintings toohave the same theme which adds charm and makes the room appear very lovable and friendly. 5. cute hello kitty bedroom with a single bedthe bedroom in the image looks quite girly
with a single pink colored bed bearing thecute image of hello kitty on its headboard and also its name inscribed on the foot board. apart from the hello kitty bed, there is apillow with the motif of the character etched in pretty pink color. 6. cute grey and pink themed hello kitty bedroomthe contrast offered by the two color tones of pink and grey help in adding a soft accentto this amazing looking girly bedroom that is themed on hello kitty design ideas. the bed has been designed with a big hellokitty face shaped headboard while the white
small chair and the white side table withwheels have the imprints of this cute character. 7. hello kitty bedding sets for cute bedroomone can decorate a girl’s bedroom with hello kitty inspired bedroom ideas on practicallyall kinds of features like walls, cabinets, curtains and bed sets. the cute bedroom here looks dazzling witha bed spread bearing a huge motif of hello kitty along with other cartoons and a wholelot of twinkling stars and hearts. the pillow sets too are etched with the kitty’simage along with flowers. 8.
impressive hello kitty bedroom for teenagersthe bedroom here looks dazzling and belongs to two teenage girls that surely know howto live like fairies. the decor of this bedroom is styled takinginspiration from hello kitty design ideas and appears magical with a wall to wall carpetwith ‘hello kitty’ motif along with a figure of a sweet cartoon. the ceiling is carved to fit a beautiful hellokitty shaped lighting fixture that adds shine to the decor. 9. cute pink hello kitty bedroom design ideaswith mirror and headboard
what more can be expressed about this cutebedroom when your eyes can feast themselves by having a glance at this amazing pictureshown below? well, i am in love with this amazingly decoratedgirly bedroom with a single hello kitty bed that has a unique outline of the kitty’sface adorned with a bright red bow. also, the mirror above the vanity area tooresembles hello kitty and looks quite stunning. 10. hello kitty room decorations with white tableand stool the walls of this compact bedroom have beenpainted using light blue and pink shades that lend a very feminine touch to the interior.
there are accessories like a small white tablewith a chaise of drawers that lend brightness to the room. the small hello kitty stool too looks quitecute. the spread covering the bed also bears animprint of the character. 11. hello kitty bedroom decorating ideas withwall decor with a gigantic wall art bearing the motifof hello kitty, this bedroom surely manages to catch everyone’s attention. the wall is decorated with other motifs offlowers and birds that lend it a very colorful
look. the eclectic light green color of the wallmatches well with the light purple accents thrown all around in the room. 12. cute customized hello kitty bed for girl’sbedroom if you need something special for your younggirl’s bedroom, you can always decorate her room with hello kitty emblems or accessoriesthat all girls love and adore. the picture shown below is that of a girl’sbedroom where the owners have installed a cute customized hello kitty bed.
the single bed comes with a big head of thekitty in the form of a headboard, a pink body and white legs and hands. the bed can be a birthday gift for a smallgirl who loves this cute character. 13. enchanting kid’s bedroom with hello kittytheme the bedroom is a spacious chamber that isdecorated using the cute bedroom decor theme centered around the pretty cute cat calledhello kitty. the kitty’s presence can be seen in allfacades adorning the room like the ceiling that has been designed with a big black andwhite face of the character.
the gigantic vanity section has a white outlineof this cute creature etched on the mirror. the bed however, steals the show with itspretty hello kitty themed pinkish headboard. 14. cute girl’s bedroom with hello kitty walldecor the bedroom here looks feminine with a softcolor palette that has used white, pink and purple to beautify the decor. one can deck up any space inside a bedroom,right from the floor to the ceiling to lamps and other accessories. the bedroom below has been decorated withhello kitty wall art seen on the front.
it is a cute little motif that can be madeby you. 15. modern hello kitty bedroom decor ideasif adding modern accents to your daughter’s bedroom is something you want, here is a coolhello kitty bedroom decor idea that uses the color combos of blue, white and red to createa dazzling effect all around. the bright red bow of the kitty on a greyand white faceless cut out headboard looks chic along with the bright red trendy chair. one can see the motif of this cute characterimprinted on the transparent blue cupboard installed at one corner.
hello kitty bedrooms can be places to havefun. this energetic icon has been with us for avery long time and most kids love to have a hello kitty bed or a wall that is adornedwith the emblems of this cute character. after you watch this video and see if youlike any of these ideas that am sure you would! surprise your kiddo on her