living room ideas with white leather sectional

living room ideas with white leather sectional

hi. i'm ann myrick. and today, we're goingto talk about how to buy a sofa. you want to think about where it's going to go. yourspace, are you in a small apartment? are you in a large house with large rooms? is theroom formal, informal? what is your taste? i'm just going to show you this one, justas an example. this was a very inexpensive sofa, because i have large boys and friendsof large boys. and i didn't want anything that was going to really be real you just need to think about what your budget is, what really will work for thatspecific room, and think through all the different ideas of what you will really need for thisroom. and then, there's many things to think about with couches. you want to look, if it'sgoing to show a back, you want to look at

the back and see what the back looks if you're walking in the door and you see the back of the sofa, you want it to be anice back. this is more of a straight line. this is a very long couch, and this is moreof a straight line couch. but you can get them that have skirts on them. you can getthem with a lot of wood on them. you can get them in three cushions. you can get them intwo cushions. you can get cushions that are sewn on or cushions that aren't sewn on. andso there's just a lot of things to think about. so before you go, the best thing to do isknow what you want before you go to the furniture store or before you go to the flea marketor wherever it is that you're going to buy your couch. and know what it is that you wantbefore you go to see them. this is ann myrick.

and that is how you buy a sofa.

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