living room style pinterest

hi i'm sara from loose leaf living. in my last video i spoke about my struggleswith finding my own personal style. and so that really inspired me to create alittle mini series about my journey to find my personal style. the first thing for me was to look onlinefor inspiration and all of the- or nearly all of the youtube videos i watched and theblogs that i read said to make a pinterest board. so that's what i did. and that's what i want to share with you inthis video. ok so this is my ideal closet.
my pinterest board. i really like this coat here but i don't knowabout the color. this is the kind of look i like when i gooutdoors and go hiking. i'm struggling to decide whether i like thingsthat are tucked in all the way or that are loosely tucked in like here because i reallylike that look but i also like how put together this look is. i'm not really sure why i have this here. this is honestly not a look that i would wear. i think i just put it here because i likethe pants.
i really want linen pants for summer so ithink i just put that there to show the detail because as you can see here- pants in arein black but you can't really see the detail. these are the kind of shoes that i reallywant to wear. i don't have anything like these. oh and then here i like all black. that's really nice but it has to be the sametone of black. so scrolling down i have some more outfitsthat look put together. i'm not sure how i feel about these pantshere. they're kind of loose and i do kind of likethe- what are they even called- straight leg
or skinny leg i guess. i really like these kinds of shoes. i don't have any but- well actually i havethese in navy blue. but i want them in black. this is probably my favorite outfit that i'veseen. although i would probably wear like blackpants with them. i like this black blouse but it's not justblack. there's some detail to it. and then i really like this coat.
i really want this tank top in black. um i've been having so much trouble findingsomething like this in black. i like these shoes for summer. this backpack is kind of cool and then thecoat. i like the color but the fabric of the jacketdoesn't look too great. so i got this wardrobe planner off of into-mind,which i think is called something else now. i'm going to link that blog down below soyou can check it out if you want to. i am going to make this season spring/summereven though it's july. so it will be from july to or through september.
i want to say that it's spring/summer becausei'd like to do this again next year and do spring/summer and fall/winter and just have2 wardrobes planned. so it says "do this before you fill out thisplanner." "check your schedule and plans for the season." so i am going to visit my parents in southerncalifornia so i need warm/hot weather clothes because it's going to be over 100 degrees. i'm going to- well hopefully we have plansto celebrate our 2 year anniversary and that might need a fancy outfit, but um that couldbe decided later. so i want clothes that are suitable for workand play.
i'm kind of tired of using unemployment asan excuse to not plan this out. so i think it will be good if i have clothesthat i like being in just in general and then that can be for a business casual or morecasual environment. so i did check my schedule and plans for theseason, i did create a pinterest board that i just showed you, and reflecting on lastseason's wardrobe- i just didn't feel good in it. so i mean i don't know how much there is toreflect on. maybe i'll do this again and have more toreflect on. so now i'm going to go through these nextfew pages and then go over my results.
i have finished my wardrobe planner and imessed up a lot so i'm just going to keep it real and show you even though it lookskind of- it looks kinda bad. so my goal style in three words is minimalist,chic/put-together, and comfortable. and i think that does really describe howi want my style to be and kind of shows- or is the same as my pinterest board. next is "do you have any style goals or shoppingresolutions?" yes, work on defining my personal style. that's kind of the reason why i'm doing this. buy for quality instead of quantity. and that'skind of my minimalist value there.
focus on eco-friendly brands and i put "orthrifting." and that's kind of my zero waste and sustainable value there. so i chose those 3. "what types of activities will you need clothesfor this season?" work i guess. i put sort of because i wantto get clothes that will work for work and for my regular daytime stuff. i'll need stuff for weekends, outdoor activities-hiking, swimming. and my trip. hopefully we'll go to somewhere above sanfrancisco to one of those cities.
and that doesn't really affect anything. i just put that down there because that'swhat they asked. "what colors do you want to wear this season?" my 3 main colors are black, white, and gray. i don't know. i feel like maybe i shouldn't put- now thati think about it i should put just black and gray because i feel like i don't own a lotof white and i probably should not buy a lot of white either way. so my neutrals will be brown and white.
and then my accent shades they said 4 buti could only think of 3: navy blue, army green/forest green- which could be different so maybe itis 4, and then dark red. so "what are your most important key piecesthis season?" and i feel like- it's funny because i sawdown here "what are your key accessories?" and they put shoes as accessories but forme shoes are like key pieces. so that was kind of funny. so i put nice sandals. the things that have stars are the thingsi don't have or that i want more of. i have heeled sandals, but i feel like i wantsome nice sandals.
linen pants- i really want those. tanks/breezy tops- i just don't have a lotof tank tops or warm weather tops that i really like wearing. and then i want buttoned blouses. and then i want dresses that i feel more comfortablein. "what are your key accessories this season?" so because i put shoes over there i didn'tadd any. i just chose a black backpack, my round sunglasseswhich i wear all the time, and my pearl necklace which i also wear all the time.
so these are the new things to buy and thingsto repair or replace. my high priority are some nice sandals, linenpants, and tanks/breezy tops. i also have medium priority which is dressesand buttoned blouses. and i don't really have anything that's lowpriority. i feel like this is a lot to get and maybei needed to be more descriptive? maybe that's what i'll do. i'll try to be more descriptive before i goshopping. and then nothing to repair- nothing's broken. i need a different black lightweight cardigan.
i have one that's from forever 21, but ithas a few holes in it and it's just starting to show its age. so i need a lightweight cardigan and i thinki'll be set. so i'm really glad that i did this plannerbecause it actually helped a lot more than i thought it would. and i'm also glad that i chose to do a timeframeinstead of just trying to redo my whole entire wardrobe at once. it was nice to plan out like what's goingto happen and what kind of clothes i need. and now i actually have- i mean it's not detailed.
i'll make it more detailed before the nextvideo, but i do have a list now and that's way more than i had before i started thisvideo. so i think the only thing that i'm worriedabout is me feeling like i'll change my mind on the style that i've kind of chosen. so hopefully i can kind of figure that outwithin the next few videos and try to foresee anything like that happening before it doesso i can kind of plan for that. so i think that this was a really great ideaand i will definitely put the link for this down in the description as well as some otherresources that i've found. and for the next video i'll probably do alittle mini declutter of my closet.
anything that really goes against minimalist,chic/put-together, and comfortable. and then i'll try to go thrift shopping whichi'm going to try to do on my own. i hope you enjoyed this video and i hope you'llstay tuned to see the next videos in this series. if you have any advice for me for findingmy own personal style or even going shopping for these types of clothing pieces, pleaselet me know in a comment below because i'd love to hear from you. thank you again so much for watching and i'llsee you in my next video.