glam girl bathroom design ideas

glam girl bathroom design ideas

these diy projects for small garden show that there are creative ideas to turn old stuff into a more usable item. just because you have small garden, it doesn’t mean that you can’t turn it into a lush green paradise. want to plant flowers or herbs? feel free to do so! aside from careful layout and management of the garden, you should be able to transform some of the old items so they can help you with your garden management.

this is 5 diy projects for small garden byyour list maker 5.ladder planter if you want to, this ladder planter is available in some home improvement stores and garden equipments suppliers. with this ladder planter, you can plant whatever you like vertically, which is smart enoughto save up space. however, if you want to be more creative or you are on a tight budget, you can actually make this one yourself. an old ladder and some wooden boxes will create a perfect gardening spot.

you should include this diy projects for small garden idea in your upcoming project list. outdoor aquarium if you are into fish so much, and you want to add a little life to your outdoor garden, having this glass aquarium will create such a stunning effect. creating this one doesn’t need a lot of space. a small and cubicle design will be enough. if you want to add more natural effect,

surround the aquarium with stones or rocks. add the glass as the final touch so you can enjoy the fish swimming around. this is a great idea if you want to have a little life outside your porch. 3.spiral shape want to create a unique gardening spot despite the small and limited area? the spiral shape garden will be a great diy projects for small garden idea. simply make use of any available rocks, arrange them into attractive shape, and voila!

you can plant anything you like. instead of the regular rectangular garden platform, this spiral shape will create a one of a kind effect. it is almost a guarantee that none of your neighbors will have the same design! 2.tiered wooden garden one of the smartest tricks to deal with limited space is to make use of the corner area. with this tiered wooden box, you can make use of the corner to plant your favorite flowers

or herbs or anything you like. if you can make this, good for you. if you don’t, you can hire someone else to make one for you. if you have limited budgets, you can make use of old boxes and stack them up to look similar to this garden. the function is just the same. before we get to number 1, i invite you to check subscribe button under this video. if you never press it, click it, include bell icon beside it. your support means mood booster to us and that means a lot.

thank you for that... wooden bed just like the previous garden, you can get creative with any unused wooden planks or boards. create the wooden bed anyway you like it. with partition in the middle, without partition in the middle... everything is up to you. no need to have any spacious area to createthis bed because this diy projects for small garden is possible even for small corner or limited space.

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