bathroom design ideas photo gallery

bathroom design ideas photo gallery

yo yo you heard that what's up my guava juicers so today um we are going to do another 3am video for you guys for you guys who don't know what happens around 3am it's currently 3:33am in the morning i'm really tired but i stayed up for this one occasion for you guys who don't know what happens that's when all the evil spirits all the ghosts all the demons all the weird stuff happens at 3 a.m. because 3 a.m..mocks

jesus's death which is 3 p.m.. so the devil made 3 a.m.. - you know just to make fun of it sorry if you guys don't know this already, i am really popular for my bath videos so i'm gonna take a bath using bath bombs at 3 a.m.. so let's do it often maybe something will happen some weird stuff will happen who knows we're going to find that out right now so here. we go. i have here my my single pinkalicious bath bomb as you can see it's very glittery the mic oh wow, that's weird. the mic just randomly fell off the camera alright, so far. it's getting weird. it's okay here. let me just put this bit

the measure yeah,that was a weird that was very hot what about boy. oh good hello, okay, you think it's okay? all right. that was extremely weird, but we go bath bomb oh that is hot go right here ah yeah, here. we go. drop it whoo look at that pink bath bomb go whoo look at that look at it. it looks

fizzy really, well oh look at that look at the fizzing. we're gonna go it's like going in circles. come on fit bubble gum wow, so yeah honestly, just feels like a bath you know what's scary every time? i take a shower and the you know when the currents close right there, you're taking a shower i? every time you shower a dead nun kind of like looks on the opposite side while you shower, so i'm always paranoid because that has it multiplied, so but out of that, right is my bathroom stall you're really nice now

nothing's happen--- that like the hanger is despite shifted follow literally sounded like hangers your coat on your other world scares me though dad yeah, that's a very quick. i'm like a person like here like come come closer this is what i heard this is what i i swear. i promise you this is what i heard i heard this like ashley i looked over the curtains no clothes were moving okay things are just happening really quickly really fast right now

maybe maybe go they don't like a bath because you know they don't like big plans or whatever, so yeah, so really nothing is happening. oh, you should see that you hear that's insane right again. you read it out to you right you heard that. it's you, right? stay right there stay right there there might be slowing buying here three two one go anyone know that's kind of creepy done all right, this is kind of weird about getting really. i don't like it i swear someone's outside the window no one right now, but those auditors have always like scared me. let me see

yeah, hold on let me try to zoom see yeah, so if you guys don't know at night this is why i closed my blinds all the time because this is my view from my bedroom and it's really really weird. i wish you like someone will just peek out of nowhere like you know like a dead lady wearing a hospital gown we'll just come out and just walk towards me, and the thing is it's freaky it's freaky if it's a really freaky because these these off business are empty like straight empty did you see that like there's like no wonder yes that window right there? what i?

don't think anyone i was weird another thing to like the the lights they go on and off automatically so it kind of freaks me out because they turn off randomly and then just turn back on oh marlo said if there are motion sensors, but you said that they were empty, so that it was motion sensored yeah, so marlon said mother that this is motion sensors, but you say that these offices are empty, so i'm confused alright, let's just check the delivery room or make sure that everything is okay because those hangars were just weird hey, woody

is he okay? yes, sir. okay? oh, yeah, okay, bro everything that i know you're tired. i'm sorry. i woke you up so early but uh all right, you know what? you know what harry mena camera all right, here's what i'm going to do. i'm just going to leave the camera here i don't know if it's going to catch anything, but i'm just going to leave it here and make sure you're shot okay, and i'm just going to tell the go straight up

if anyone is here and now i'm going to leave the camera right here for like i don't know what five ten minutes, so if you want to say a message, or do something or make the presents no yours in front of this camera all right, so let's yeah, alright. we're gonna grab mcdonald's because mcdonald always open i know that doctor in like only project weight is still rollin all right, we literally left for our like

like 10-15 minutes and i have no idea how that even happened i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to watch the replay and see what happened? actually, i'm going to watch the replay right now and i'll get back to you. yo, okay. yo, so

we just watch the replay on this camera, and i have no idea why the blinds went up and down like they are my answer that i? don't even know why the blinds went up and down, but i don't even know why that is broken that is not even working? it can't pull down here actually hear you making okay? yeah, i want to do it that's weird that's weird alright alright, let's go my shirt is awesome. yeah

i'm just finish this because this is getting weird because this is everything usually when this i do like 3m stuff it usually like takes time and gradually get security and scarier but this time for some reason. it's just like it'll happen at one non-stop actually a car no anything zoom in over there make sure no one's watching or you do a clean prank or something no one i'm just feeling really freaked out where you said that like nobody's here, but like yeah, the most mostly the hope yeah oh, the whole time they talk see the apartment complex told me that this ah it is yet that since you're done. oh wait, that's just if you're not right there

info that one this one right there that turned on really bright something falls in there like this apartment complex told me that this it's like it's automatic on and off every 30 minutes. what now that i actually found out that motion sensored that's kind of weird i think it's like there's obviously stuff in there. it's obviously not anyway if you go down here. there's no one here there's no one there which is you the thing is the lights down here turn on and off? and they're all motion sensing. let's go back brother what?

no, what is your black what? i'm scared to touch it. what was it like weird? amuse so hot and we left it for like 20 minutes that's so creepy well that is wait, that's stuff that that you see really really could be any receive just go understand yeah, wait yo, yo?

you are that it's moving you want you to move it you are that wait, wait. do you hear that what living room from the living room? yo seriously man. yo, okay? we're oh anyone behind of doing no one i mean i need to buy a gun or like a bat or something. i will belt i said get this thing. i don't know what the footage man. thanks. no one's ever here yeah okay, i know i'm so frigging scared right now. i'm so he lighted washing the world udon shut up wait let the camera like go in and then we compare camera. we're not

putting zack far away like what is that ? can you turn it off? i don't know i got i got it why is there a candle on the floor i? don't know i don't just watch this stop what? how this these crosses a bitter little time? yeah? this is not the smell funny all right maybe it's because i invited you know remember why i invited that ghost-like yogi here making some babies alone in front of the camera

but i guess i don't even know if this is this literally like i don't know if you guys can see it really that is creepy bro. i don't know video. i don't want i want everything you heard that - yeah mm-hmm. this time your room again that it's from my room and they're sleeping absolutely for me like from the closet again the closet this is a creepy closet and i said

i'm italian so i sell one fucked up so hold on sorry the mic attaches to the camera. it keeps falling down for some reason i don't want to go the same again. that's the toy justin. i'm spooky nice. that's the toy oh wait, who's this new boy? is there blood on her i? gotta say what is that you go see this?

just like blood right there. i don't know what stinks. what is that? alright y'all alright. we got this we got this we get this oh okay, i don't know video. i can't do this another point again, i think i literally just saw you throw it away its too late...hes here... he's coming for you.... that what you wanted he will find you that's what you wanted right?

all right, we're going to no this is a really creepy three that is creepy alright, thank you all for watching and uh 666 hes here

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