bathroom design inspiration ideas

bathroom design inspiration ideas

hey it's abby and today i'm excited topartner with interdesign to bring you a little guest bathroomrefresh. i've been getting a lot of requests for guest bathroom organizationvideos so i'm gonna bring you that today and also show you how we spruced up thedecor a little bit in this space as well. before we jump in be sure to subscribeso you don't miss any organization inspiration and head to you to grab your exclusive bonus for newslettersubscribers. now our guest bathroom which is alsothe bathroom that our boys primarily used was not in bad shape. it was justreally boring. it was all white. the walls

were white, the cabinets were white, sinkwas white, and we had just brought in the old shower curtain that we had in our lasthouse, put it up, and then pretty much left it alone and didn't do anythingelse with it. so we didn't want to do any major renovations in here we just wantedto do a little refresh, bring the decor kind of up to speed, make it a littlemore welcoming since at this time of year we're gonna have more guests andvisitors around, and we wanted it to be welcoming and enjoyable for them. soyou've seen a little bit of what our guest bathroom looked like before. let'shead in and see what it looks like now. so the first thing i did in here waspaint the walls and already the room

felt less stark and sterile. i actuallyused the same color that we had used in donnie's office's from behr and it's called chain reaction and it's kind of a darker grayso it's a little bit moody but it was great for this little space. i thenchanged out the shower curtain to a white textured curtain from interdesign.i think it really gives the space a hotel-like feel which will be reallywelcoming. it's just really clean and crisp. we also changed out the bath mats.these cushy soft bath mats from inter design and water blue that are prettysoothing. i will link to all of the exact products that i'm using in our bathroomin the description below and you can

also find interdesign's decor andorganization products by searching for them on amazon, target, walmart, bath &beyond, and at the container store. to add a little more interest to this space weput up two floating shelves and we added some wintery prints that also matchedour color scheme along with some decor items and some little containers frominterdesign that also double as storage or organization to hold some cottonballs and q-tips and little soft pads and things like that.we even changed out the trash can bringing in this cute little trashbasket from interdesign. when we moved in there was a towel rod hanging overhere but we changed it out for hooks

because it was so much easier for theboys to hang up their towels so that's what we have over here nowalong with a little picture frame with more wintry prints that coordinate withthe ones that are on the floating shelves. now let's take a look in thevanity. the vanity before was holding a bunch of things that we'd never used andwas missing a bunch of things that would have been helpful for us to have in hereso i knew i wanted to reorganize and rethink the way that i was using thespace underneath the sinks here. so i put down pretty contact paper in the bottomof the cabinet and in the drawers just for a little pop of pattern and i willlink to my favorite drawer liner in the

description below. and then this firstcabinet holds all of our extra toilet paper. i decided to use these stackingrisers so that i could really maximize the vertical space here and it alsohelps to hide the ugly pipe that's coming down from behind it too so thathelps. also in this cabinet are our cleaning supplies. i really tried to weedout all of our cleaning supplies and really just pare it down to a few keysupplies that we use often. i put them in this little mint color cleaning caddythat's also from interdesign. it's really cute, it holds the supplies well,and it also has space for gloves that we can put in there to protect our skinwhile we're cleaning. i used my label

maker with clear tape and black cursiveletters to make pretty labels so everything is neatly organized in thiscabinet and i will also link to my label maker which i love in the descriptionbelow. the drawer right beside this cabinet holds all of our cleaning ragsand microfiber cloths and i put them in these little square containers frominterdesign that fit perfectly in the drawer so it keeps them neat and tidy.the little drawer above that one holds our small extra toiletry items so thatthe boys or our guests can easily grab them if they need it. so in here we havesoap and extra toothpaste and toothbrushes for both adults and thekids. moving over to the next cabinet we

were able to neatly fit a bunch ofessentials in here. first i try to keep the boys toothbrushes off the counter sothey're not collecting all of the airborne stuff that flies around in thebathroom so they sit right here in this neat little organizer frominterdesign and it holds their toothpaste in their toothbrushes reallynicely. i also have a matching container that holds their little flossers in here.behind that is a bin again from inter design that holds all of our backuptoiletry items so we have shampoo and conditioner both for adults and for kidsand we have some soap. we have deodorants, anything that theboys or our guests might need we have an

extra set in here. that same bin alsoholds our sun care products like sunscreen and aloe vera and aloe lotion.this other bin holds a hair dryer that our guests can use when they come. ipurposely chose this lidded bin from interdesign so that i could stack itemson top of this bin like a smaller bin or something if i need to store morethings in here later. i'm always trying to leave extra space for us to grow ifwe need to and it's always better to have more room than to pack everythingfull and then run out of space later. then moving over to our last two drawers.the bottom drawer holds wipes. again i was able to neatly fit them in thosesquare little interdesign bins which

are a perfect fit for the cabinet.they're high enough that they can hold everything in place so it sits neatlyand isn't falling everywhere in the drawer and causing a mess. and then thisvery top drawer is just holding a few key items that we use daily so they'reright there and we can reach them when we need them. so i think i got everything.i feel like this room is now so much more welcoming and ready for guests andfor our boys to use and i love that everything is neat and organized andeverything has a spot so we can easily find it.having the right bins like the ones we use from interdesign makes a hugedifference and you can find their

organization products as well as some ofthe decor products that we use by searching on amazon and bed bath &beyond, target, walmart, and the container store and i will leave the links to ourexact items in the description. before you head out, let me know your favoritetips for keeping a bathroom organized and what do you keep on hand for yourguests in the guest bathroom when they come to stay?

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