best bedroom colors for sex

best bedroom colors for sex

[sound] my name is zoe ligon,and i am a sex educator, artist, journalist, and the owner of the onlinesex toy store, spectrum boutique. [music] i really wish there had been somebodythere to inspire me to take charge of my own sexuality. this is a show about allthe ways that toys and tools can be incorporatedinto your sex life. today we're talkingabout latex vacuum beds. a latex vacuum bed is essentiallya network of pvc pipes that sucks

the air out of a latexpillow case with me inside. i wonder if it's gonna feel likebeing in a giant body condom. i don't really have any experiencewith anything like this. before i dive in, let's talk a little bitmore about what goes into this process. just a quick refresher, bdsm stands forbondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism, and masochism. today's experience is allabout sensory deprivation, but it's also going to have an aspectof bondage and restraint. my friends, genevieve and themba,are coming over shortly, and

they're going to be setting upthis latex sucky bed for me. they run a project called sacred sadismthat is all about melding nature and eco-sexuality into bdsm play. and i'm really excited for them to teachme a little bit more about these cool, weird beds. i'm so happy to have you here. [laugh]>> so happy to be here, initiate you into the cultof the sucky bed. >> yes, the sucky bed cult, bring me in.

so, what exactly is a vac bed? >> a vac bed is a pvc pipe framewith little holes drilled in it. and then you put a latex bag around it andput a person inside, zip them in, and suck all the air out,so you essentially shrink wrap a person. >> so, i do this,this is something i do in my artwork, it's also something that we enjoydoing together as a couple. and we have a couple things that wedo to make sure that you're super aware of everything that's gonna happen. and you know what some of the risksare that come with playing with this

particular piece of sex furniture. >> so what are some potential risks? >> well, one of the big onesof course is claustrophobia, since you are going to becompletely encased in it. >> another one is latex allergy, no. >> very good to be aware of,yes, that would be bad. >> just knowing what you can handle and communicating that to your top,which is us in this scenario. >> i'm just a little bottom, it's perfect.

>> yeah, [laugh]. >> how is this going to changemy sensations and perceptions? >> it definitely can putyou in a meditative state. >> the taking away of all your senses and kind of compressing you heightenssome senses like touch. >> it's almost like the skin of a drum,in a way. >> wow.>> it's microvibrating across your skin, so it's gonna create more intensesensations in some places. >> and how long do people generallystay in, or just as long as they want?

>> probably ten minutes ish for me. >> yeah, i don't go in forvery long, yeah. >> half an hour. >> half an hour is probably a safeamount of time to do it in. >> we're gonna have a safe word, sothat if i'm freaking out in there, which i doubt is gonna happen,i'll have a way of safely getting out. so what is our safe word going to be? >> we're gonna use a safe signalsince the vacuum is pretty loud, and you can't really hear muchif you're speaking to us.

so your safe signal will be,a tongue waggle. >> safe and consensual, i love it. >> yeah, the fact that it's not a beginnerpiece of furniture by any means, it's something that you really wanna workwith someone who knows what they're doing. you want to do your research. you want to be educated when you do it. >> so talk a little bit about the way youincorporate flowers, cuz it's so unusual. no one does this quite like you all do. >> right, for me, i was alwaysreally interested in bdsm, but

there's certain things aboutthe aesthetic that turned me off. so i was kind of just not feelingthe vibes that existed, but i was really,really interested in the psychology and everything that goes intobdsm really interested me. so i was like, well,how can i get into it? honestly i don't know exactlywhere it came from, but i wanted to start using plants andflowers. >> your essence. >> it's just me, probably like me,people are very interested in kink,

but feel a little turned off bysome of the existing aesthetics, not that there's anythingwrong with those aesthetics. >> yeah, but it's not all black leather. >> it's not all black leather, yeah,exactly, red latex or whatever. there's all kinds of colors of latex. >> yes. >> [laugh] and in terms ofthe psychology of pressing someone in, especially the type of vacuuming thatwe do, which is with the flowers, which is specifically meant toevoke a kind of objectification.

you are a flower, think like a flower,now you're a flower. it's a very kinda meditative statethat we're trying to put you in. objectification is something in bdsm,people will be a lamp, or be a toilet, or this is a wholehuman furniture play thing. for me, i thought becoming a plant wasan interesting direction to take it. >> so cool and unique, i love it. >> thank you. >> thank you, [laugh]. >> yeah,we love creating them cuz we love bdsm and

we love bringing peopleinto the conversation. >> so what do you hope people take awayfrom this sacred sadism experience? >> consent, communicating openly withyour partner about what your desires and fantasies are. and if we can start to be open aboutthose things with each other and just talking about sex in general,that just makes the world a better place. >> i think you're both soskilled at demystifying all the taboos and really just widening the scopeof what bdsm can be. sounds like there's a lot ofmoving components to this, so

i'm gonna have you talk me through allthe different parts and pieces to it. >> yeah, absolutely. >> let's do it.>> yeah. okay, the moment of truth has arrived. i am so excited andgiddy to just get in this bed. >> first thing we'regonna do is do a safety. we're gonna make sure that you're notgonna panic or have a claustrophobic, anxiety, anything likethat while in the bed. so that if we continue andgo through the floral arrangement,

you feel totally comfortable andready to take it on. do you feel ready? >> i am so ready. >> okay.>> let's do it. >> [crosstalk] climb in here. >> i'm gonna open your bag up, andthen we're gonna lay you down, and we're gonna try to line you. >> night, night. >> does that feel like a goodplacement for your mouth?

okay, and then we're gonna zip you in. how're you feeling? >> fucking awesome. >> [laugh] okay. >> [laugh]>> can we see your safe signal one more time? themba's gonna count down, three, two,one, and you're gonna get sucked in for about five seconds, okay? >> three, two, one.

[sound] >> [laugh] [sound] [laugh] my god, that's so amazing. >> [laugh]>> [laugh] that was insane. i loved it. >> how did that feel for you? >> [laugh] truly,i'm like anything [inaudible]. i'm in love with it. >> [laugh] you loved it.

so that was a good reaction. i assume that you're feeling okayabout getting put in the vac bed and hanging out there for a while? >> mm-hm. >> good to go. >> part of what's kind of fun about thisis there's sensation play in the flowers beforehand. and then when you're in the bed, sensationplay on top of the latex as well. i'm definitely thinkingabout the final image,

knowing how this presses down in the end,and your nipple's covered up. >> modest in clothes. reborn. [laugh]>> that was definitely unlike anything i've ever felt before. i felt like an inhuman objectbeing smushed in a heavy book. my ears definitely felt a lot of pressure,and i think that if i had ear plugs,it would definitely help. but it wasn't a deal breaker for me,

it was jut a pressure changethat i had to get used to. i'm gonna collect my thoughts and de-lubea little bit and see you in a second. i am definitely still comingdown from that experience. that was truly unlike anythingi've ever experienced before. the flowers were really tickling mewhen they first put them on my body. and it wasn't a negative feeling, but i was worried they were going to bedistracting me while i was in there. but then when the vacuumbed pressed against me, i couldn't really feel the subtletiesof the edges of the flowers anymore.

and it felt just like a nice addition,like it was a part of my body almost. it was definitelyan underwater like feeling, like if you were to dive tothe very bottom of the deep end, where you can feel all the sounds andyour heartbeat in your head. you can feel the pressureof the water on top of you. that actually might be the closestcomparison i can think of. you wouldn't wanna try a vac bedif you are claustrophobic, or don't like the sensation of yourentire body being lubed, or don't like the feeling of givingup full control to somebody else.

i think part of what made this sucha magical experience also was just that i had really lovely people doing this to me. if you wanna see more vac bed pics orwanna find out the other really amazing things that they're doing,you should check out sacred sadism. well, this was definitely a transcendent,otherworldly experience. i am going to be thinking about this forquite a long time. hey youtubers, if you like what you see,don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment. and let me know what other weirdsex shit you want me to do.

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