wall tiles designs for living room india

wall tiles designs for living room india

hi! hi neetha! i would like to thank you guys for choosingfurdo to design your home. how do you feel staying in a furdo designedhome? you said it right, it’s a home. so one of the key things we were looking atwas that it should exude warmth and it should feel like home. we feel very glad that the house has turnedout exactly the way we expected. we had some designs in mind and it was outof the box.

when we first met you, we said let the groundfloor be traditional and that’s when we started discussing and that the rooms canbe contemporary. not many were ready to do that. i would like to talk about a few other thingsalso, i am really fond of the music room. i saw it now and it has come out really well. we are inclined towards classical music andwe wanted to put the family room to good use. so we wanted to use it as music room withmusic based wallpaper. we wanted the deck area to be used very welland we extended the traditional design to it.

we have added a traditional oonjal/swing outthere. are you happy with your room? absolutely, it turned exactly the way it waspromised to us as part of the 3d renders. would you suggest furdo to other people?think that work speaks for itself. when people come and have a look at the spaceand they ask who has designed it, that’s how i have ended up giving furdo as a reference. i would like to wish furdo all the best andhope you keep up with the same work ethics, i am sure you will go places. thank you once again for giving us the opportunityto design your home.


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