living room paint colors with oak trim

living room paint colors with oak trim

hi, this is dan. we are continuing our demonstrationfor now that our previous wall color is dry and our tape is sealed,we are going to go ahead and take our new wall color and just finish cutting in thatline. usually we would do a lighter color firstbecause the darker color is going to cover that. in this situation, we did not have thatoption; there was already a darker color previously. so this may take a few coats to cover just want to make sure that you are getting all the way to the line of your tape. thatis the most important thing and also that your feathering out your paint. this wouldbe a bad place to leave yourself some brush marks. it is going to be a very highly visiblespot and it is going to catch a lot of attention

cause you have 2 colors joining at this onespot.

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