living room ideas for college apartment

hey everyone, it's me wendy and today i have special guests here with me it is kelsey and becky from the sorry girls yeah, if you guys don't know who we are we are a diy channel here on youtube also from canada and we have lots of diys all kinds from room decor to fashion. everything, you name it we tried sewing we're not as good as wendy nono they're good! and this has obviously been heavily requested especially since we both live in toronto i guess is as straightforward as possible to work together. yeah, so today we did six diys in total for decking out your dorm there are three on my channel and then three on their channel so watch these three hope you like it and then hop over to theirs to see the rest, okay!
we'll get started with the duvet and pillowcases. i did a quick diy to jazz them up this tutorial works the best if you have a duvet and pillowcase set that is solid in color i wanted a particular shade of blue, so let me just get back to you in a moment i'm going to make my own duvet and pillowcase and we're back! this is my finished duvet set and there were pillowcases as well you're going to want to take a strip of fabric that matches your solid color and we're going to cut a strip that is roughly four to six centimetres wide on that strip we'll be folding in the two side edges and sewing each side down with a straight stitch which will get us ready to attach a macrame detail to the pillowcases to make the macrame
we're going to need some embroidery floss and you can pick this up at any craft store for each macrame that you want to make you're going to need three of them these are the bundles that you'll want to create from your macrame and for each of them they should have eight strands of embroidery floss inside the math that i'm using work specifically for the macrame design that i'm going to be doing so if you want to vary it up give a little extra length so that you don't run out to make tying the macrame easier i have this cardboard that i found and i clamped a measuring tape along the top with some clips to hold in the macrame fold over the macrame so that the two ends have a five centimetre difference in length
and then go ahead and tie a knot at the top this one was the 22 centimetre one so i'm going to go ahead and put this on the far right side underneath the clip next up we'll take the 44 centimetre piece again measure it out so that the two ends five centimetres apart and then tie a knot at the very top this goes four centimetres away from the first guy on the next clip that's available and you'll want to be arranging them so that the shorter ends are facing outwards we'll repeat this for the sixty-six centimetre piece the longest line fold it in half making sure there's that five centimetre difference
between the two ends and tie a knot at the top that goes into the last clip on the right side again four centimetres away from the next clip and we're going to finish this off by doing the remaining three slots on the left side now we're going to tie these strands together, and i like to start in the middle so i'm going to smooth out these two lengths tie them together with a knot in the middle and then tug on it to make sure everything is nice and symmetrical with the next two neighbouring strands i'm going to smooth them out bring them together
tie a knot and make sure it's all symmetrical again and for the other two that are on the left going to smooth them out tie a knot and make sure everything is nice and symmetrical on the far sides the knots will always be the hardest and it's just because we're working with the shortest amount of string and so for those sections make sure you're grabbing everything to pull through and that really short end that's left behind is going to become a tassel so that's why it's nice and short on the next row down bring together the two neighbouring strands that are the longest and tie those together it's going to form a diamond shape with the rest of the knots you've tied which is a look that we want keep tying the knots and here's how it will look in the end the very last step with these is to fray the bottoms a
trick that i found really useful was i got a piece of velcro and a fine-toothed hair comb i put the velcro underneath the loose end and then combed wildly in all sorts of directions and that helped all the threads to separate and get a little more messy and tangled at first i tried this just using the hair comb, but as you can see you swipe a lot and it doesn't seem to make a difference as soon as you add the velcro i think the little teeth on the velcro really help to pull all the threads apart so that your comb just spreads them in every single direction once you remove the clips that gets you one of these pieces of macrame i had two per pillowcase so i made four in total and we're going to be attaching it to the pillow using that strip of fabric that we cut
folding the strip in half to make sure everything is nice and symmetrical i put down two clips to help it stay put and on the side facing me i pin the macrame to the bottom half of that strip on the wrong side so that we could fold it into the strip and hide it away once that one side was done i flipped it over and use that first piece that we pinned as a template to pin down the second piece of macrame this ensures that the distance between all of the knots is the same and will look nice and symmetrical after it's all pinned you can open it up and fold down that top half so that you totally hide away the top loops of those macrame after that you fold over the raw ends and sew the entire thing with a straight stitch
to the side of the pillowcase it's going to add a really cute macrame decoration next up we're going to show you how to make this convertible laundry hamper and wall decor all-in-one it's amazing so the main things you'll need for this diy are an embroidery hoop and some fabric first figure out the circumference of your embroidery hoop we added a few extra inches for good measure and then halved that number to figure out how wide each side of the laundry bag needs to be measure out the number on your fabric make sure the fabric is folded in half when you're doing this for the length you can make this however long you want
we made ours about 34 inches long cut this shape out sew up the two cut sides we left out a one-inch space at the top of the long side and hems these edges separately now we're going to roll over the top about one-inch to create a tube sew up the bottom of this tube and make sure the two opening is big enough to feed a rope through it we're using this rope to create a drawstring for the laundry hamper once you put it all the way through tie the ends in a knot and cut off any extra flip the bag right side around and the bag of your laundry hamper is done to hang the bag nicely on the wall we're using a wooden embroidery hoop. first we're going to add some decorative crystals to the hoop string the crystals through some fish and wire and tie knots to keep them separated
we made two rows of crystals with a hammer and a small nail, nail a hole about three and a half inches down on each side at the outer ring of the embroidery hoop string your crystal strands through these holes and knot the strings on the outside to keep them in place to assemble the hanging laundry hamper feed the top opening of the bag through the inside ring of the hoop and wrap it over the sides pull the drawstring slightly to secure it slide the outer ring overtop and tighten the top screw to hold everything together when it's laundry time simply loosen the top screw take the bag out and pull the drawstring tight and lastly for this video. we're going to go through a really easy way to make your own wicker
woven type of lampshade. for this lampshade i bought this wide burlap ribbon that i found at the fabric store try to find one as stiff as possible and i also cut out this shape from a template i found online on how to make paper globes i have a link in the description if you'd like to get that template as well but all i did here was i lay it down and cut out eight of these pieces in total which would get me all the way around a circle along the corners it was also helpful for me to add those little notches to help me keep track of where everything needed to be aligned as i sewed. once there were eight pieces in total
i put some right sides together and sew it with a straight stitch along all the edges this joins them into a half sphere which will be the shape of the lamp here is how it looks as a half sphere it really benefitted from some heat and some ironing and the last step was i added one wide strip all the way around the bottom to help smooth out those corners making sure that all my seams were aligned i sewed with a straight stitch halfway around with one side of the ribbon and then half way around with the other side of the ribbon this was just to make sure that when they met on the other side it was nice and clean and symmetrical
as i got close to the opposite end i measured up how much more would be needed to cover over the seam and i cut off the excess ribbon then i took those two ribbon pieces put them right sides together to sew a straight stitch that closes the loop and then you can finish sewing that last little bit to this dome shape. i went ahead and flip the ribbon down i found it was a teeny bit bulky so i did add another stitch all the way around to help lock everything nice and flat and to add a bit more of a bohemian vibe to the bottom of the lamp i started pulling out a couple of those burlap threads to let the bottom fray a little the tiny hole that will be left at the top can be strung over any
lightbulb cord, and once you find a nice little light bulb. it's ready to go those are three dorm/apartment decor ideas for you the other three are on the sorry girls channel, so please click the link in the description yes, we made the ever popular palette that we've been dying to try and two more awesome things yeah, make sure you guys come on over and check that out while you're over there on their channel, please don't forget to subscribe they're so talented the make very very cute stuff all the times they make stuff and then i'm like oh i should have made that so they take care of a lot of things for you. we will see you guys over there. yes yeah, thanks for watching! if you're new here from the sorry girls
thank you so much for coming over to watch if you like these tutorials you can always subscribe, and we'll see you again. goodbye!