living room decorations in ghana

whats up youtube! today oogy and i will try to escape the bathroom. as you can see, this bathroom has a whole bunch of random objects and some of these or maybe all of them will be clues for us to get out of here. so i have my camera here, for my point of view and ramon's here to film his point of view of we struggling and oogy's here as well, say 'whats up!' anyways we have 60 minutes to escape and uh 60 minutes start now! (yay) alright, here we go
so first things first you wanna try to explore what you have, so we have here a sledge hammer, burner thingy fire 'lets be mermaids' we have soap wow, we have a fidget spinner. we have a box! usually with these things, usually there's a really important hints in here. i am gonna leave all this important stuff here. we have a backpack, this backpack here has two locks in it. this lock has letters.
this one has..this is a key, keylock. so one keylock how do you feel? do you think you can escape? lets keep exploring. we have..this thing.. this is a water hose? uhh oh..what the..what? why is it green? why is this toilet green?
no way. lets see what we have..this chicken mcnuggets the thing is that all of these hints will lead to 'goal'. some of them are just red- hairings meaning that they will just throw you off. so, pretty sure thats a throw- off there's a flamingo. there's a guy right there!
*taps the door* hey, can you help me out! bro, can you help me?! he is not willing to cooperate you know what?..when i get out of here i am coming for you! first hint,first hint,first hint,first hint, ooh, what is this? ok, its a recorder, its a recorder. here we go.
lets use this maybe this is the first hint. how do you work this thing? alright, here we go! see, see,see this thing doesn't have batteries. we need to find the batteries. how are we gonna find the batteries? have you seen the batteries? batteries
wait, what is this? *tries to pull and taps on the thing in the wall* no, no batteries batteries so we found this thing right here, we had this thing- 'lets be mermaids' and gloves maybe they all coordinate lets be mermaids mermaids, mermaids!
water! the batteries are in the toilet. but its green and gross; maybe thats why we have these gloves. *wears the gloves* *puts hand in the toilet (disgusting)* that's gross, i don't think its in here. (yeah roi did a disgusting thing for the batteries and what did he found?- nothing! lol) maybe its right here. what is this?; whoa whoa look! oh look! we found the batteries! we found the batteries! (good job, roi!)
oh my god. i shouldn't have stuck my hand there because we really didn't have to do it. (yeah, thats what i said) *takes batteries out of the packet* *puts batteries in the recorder* here we go you feel ok? d'you think we will escape? lets do this. *switches the recorder on* now its on and we should just play right? *the guy in the recorder* most of the people like to pass the time and play games.
i like to pass my time making games. last but not the least clue for the person coming after me. if you wanna get out of this bathroom, the key is to play!..but be warned, i am the master of minecraft! *roi again* he is the master. he made this for me and the key is to play. oh, oh, remember when this thing, i told you this is a letter lock?! maybe the key is 'play' p-l-a-y is it gonna open? opened! it opened! (you're doing good, roi, interesting escape games, completely opposite of roblox escape games)
oh my gosh, ok what is inside this bag? its a walkie talkie does it have batteries? lets turn this on! hello? *the guy in the walkie talkie* zero, zero,zero,zero! hello? is this mcdonalds can i order pizza? (there's no pizza in mcdonalds) *the guy* zero, zero,zero,zero
*roi* what are you saying? zero. what? zero,zero,zero, do we have number locks? zero, zero, zero do you know who's zero right now? this dog 'cause its not doing anything. he's doing zero work zero,zero,zero can you say that again? *to the guy in the walkie talkie* *guy again says zero*
*laughing* do you know what to do? *ramon shook his head* you are just filming? *ramon nods* alright, alright i am by myself here, so zero hey this one, it looks like zero. right? am i right? so, zero,zero,zero this will open the toilet and there will be a random path behind the door
we need codes, we don't have codes, all we have is this ..this is the only thing we have! its like a little keychain thing can you help me out? give me a kiss, yeah give me a kiss if you think we will make it! give me a kiss, oh ok, we will make it, here we go! oh, oh oh, look, look, look, look fidget spinner- zero, zero,zero, zero,zero, i am sweating. oh my god..i think we're gonna die because dehy-dehydration, thats why so, zero, zero, zero, zero
you know i am just overthinking this. has this been here the whole time? what is this? oh! i get it, i get it! oh my god, ok alright, we're gonna put zeros, i guess. thats what the guy said. *to the guy in the walkie talkie* hey, whats the code again? zero, zero,zero, zero
thank you! *the guy disconnects* (laughs loudly) ok, here we go! uh, zero, that, that, that nice *opens the thing* (dont know what to call this thing) we have another fidget spinner oogy, you want the fidget spinner? i think he's scared, he doesn't like the fidget spinner. i am sweating, look at my hands.
ok, so we have some keys, oh duh, right here. duh, oh i get it! this fidget spinner connects to this fidget spinner. i can do this while sitting down, 'cause i am getting tired, bud. so this one. opens the ..this nice, i knew it! now oh, ok.
we have more fidget spinners. (oh got reminded of the bathtub challenges, you can do fidget spinner bathtub challenge!) this paper says 'eat'. eat what? no! its not what it means! no i am pretty sure it actually means eat fidget spinners. right, mr. flamingo? hey! *taps on the door* help me out! oh my gosh, that guy never helps me out, man
he is always there grilling, i am over here struggling. whats up, man? do you have any advice for how to escape bathroom? alright, cool,cool,cool thats cool i am sweating. losing my might here! maybe i am supposed to eat this? right?
oh, there's nothing to eat! there's nothing to eat here though..thats..thats the thing. oh, am i supposed to eat ketchup? *eats the ketchup* (eating ketchup is yuck without anything!) no! anything happen? any door open? alright maybe i am supposed to eat this fidget spinners. so lets go! here we go!
anything happening? no?..ok! here's another one, here we go! here we go! whoa! (wait, what?! the time reduced? 54 to to 30? top right!) wait..oh i get it! it says 'eat' and its like colored in black. i was supposed to eat the black fidget spinner. oh, smart
smart..whoever designed this, this is so smart! ok, lets get back up! this key, there is one key! (whews) much time left? *ramon* 30 minutes. *roi* 30 more minutes..ok i've been wasting time here. ok, oogy, we've been wasting time, man!
keys..keys..what else have keys? duh! this masterlock had keys! ok! now, here we go! easy, easy! *opens the bag* whats in here?...ok! alright, nice! it came with this pic right friends..oh best friends! oh, it kinda smudged out! who is my best friend?..oogy is my best friend.
nothing in the back. there is usually something behind, like, you know, like murder mysteries, like the murderer usually leaves something behind in picture frames. oh, oh see! oogy! oogy is my best friend! is that you, oogy? alright, so what does it mean? oogy, what does it mean? back! it means your back, you have any clues?
have you been hiding some clues, oogy? i don't think he's been hiding some clues. collar..oh..'look at mirror.' did you notice this thing here at all? ok, what does it say..' door is unlocked the whole time. why you still here?' no way! oogy, did you know about this? oh, he tried telling me this whole entire time cause he had the message on him, no way! *door opens* (haha! wasted almost half an hour!)
oh my goodness. it feels so good out here. you are git! *runs to the man* anyways, thank you all for watching! today's escape the bathroom vid, special thanks to oogy for helping me escape follow him on instagram at oogi monster! (i spelled wrong the whole time lol) you can find him, he is really cool dog. (oogi's so cute!!) if you want more escape videos, comment down below (i want!) and let me know what you want me to escape from next, until then, i'll see you guys, next time, stay juicy! *music*