vintage bathroom tile design ideas

bjbj how to make the bathroom safer for yourelderly parent brought to you by the visiting nurse service of new york. vnsny professionalstands in the hall outside of the bathroom in a small, single-family home, similar tothose found in the outer boroughs. the professional is neat in appearance, dressed in blue buttondown shirt with a black vest over it, with a vnsny brand on it. vnsny professional: forthe elderly, the bathroom is the most dangerous room in the home. so i m going to show yousome precautions you can take to help make the bathroom safer for your parent. vnsnyprofessional stands in the hall outside of the bathroom. super: getting in and out vnsnyprofessional: let s begin with the simple act of just getting into and out of the want to make sure your parent has safe,
easy access. shot widens to reveal obstaclesin the area. professional moves a laundry basket, and some shoes. that means keepinga clear path down the hall. no area rugs to trip over, no furniture blocking the way,move the laundry basket and the shoes. and remember to leave extra room for walkers orwheelchairs. and just in case your parent needs to use the bathroom in the middle ofthe night vnsy professional walks over to a nightlight on the hallway wall. always havea nightlight in the hallway and the bathroom. vnsy professional pushes the nightlight on.and if you don t have an extra outlet in the hallway, a battery-powered push-light is agreat option. another thing to keep in mind bathroom doors are pretty narrow, especiallyin new york. they can be difficult to maneuver
through if you re using a walker or cane.another concern---this door saddle. vnsny professional uses his right foot to step onand point out the saddle. a half-inch rise in the floor may seem like nothing to us,but for someone using a walker or having trouble lifting their feet, this could cause themto trip. so they may need to side-step. demo side-stepping into the bathroom. for moreinformation on side-stepping, talk to their doctor. cut to vnsny professional standingin front of tub. super: non-slip surfaces vnsny professional: the first thing you shouldthink of when thinking about bathroom safety is slipping, which is a big hazard. the bestthing you can do is make sure there s a non-slip surface both inside and the outside of thetub. professional crouches down to talk about
the bathmat. lifts up corner to reveal itdoesn t have a rubberized back. swaps out the rug for one with a rubberized back. makesure it has a rubberized back. this doesn t, so it s gotta go. get something like this,with a rubberized back so it doesn t slip around, because using the wrong type of matcan actually contribute to a fall. professional motions to and starts talking about the tub.take a look at this tub there is absolutely nothing in here to keep mom or dad from slippingor falling. make sure there s a rubberized surface on the inside of the tub also. professionalplaces down a mat and tub decals. you can use a mat like this. professional pulls apartand demonstrates the use of the tub decals. tub decals work well also. all you have todo with these is just peel them back, stick
them right on. just remember that when youre using tub decals, use plenty of them so that there s no area in between to slip. super:grab bars vnsny professional: another thing you can do to help make this bathroom safer:add grab bars. these are also really helpful if your parent can t bring their cane or walkerinto the bathroom. the professional holds up a bar and shows different places it canbe installed in the tub or shower. you can mount one here for extra support while theyre showering. and mount one here for extra support while getting into and out of theshower. so many people tell me they use the towel bar for extra support and balance andit is so unsafe. professional points out the towel bar. towel bars are designed to holdtowels, not people. they re held in by just
a little bit of glue and the grout and canso easily be ripped from the wall. i highly recommend you do not use a towel bar for anykind of support or balance. make sure your parent only uses a real grab bar. they rebest if they are professionally installed. and if you can t get one directly into thetile, then a u-shaped grab bar is a great option. slides right over the top. you tightenit up. it s as easy as that. professional shows the u-shaped grab bar and hangs it overthe side of the tub. and if your mom or dad needs additional support, you can also usea shower chair. sit down and take a shower. inset picture of portable shower bench. professionalholds the grab bar up near the sink keep in mind that grab bars aren t just for the showeror the toilet, you can put them anywhere that
you think you need extra support, which bringsme to my next subject---the toilet. then the toilet. for the elderly, just getting on andoff the toilet can cause a slip or fall. adding a grab bar makes a huge difference. and forextra support, a raised toilet seat with handles is a great option. very easy to install, slideit right over the top, give it a couple turns tighten it up, and you re all set. inset pictureof raised toilet seat. and there s also the adjustable frame that fits around the toilet.inset picture of versaframe. the professional turns to the camera and explains the lastfew helpful tips and closes with the thank you. vnsny professional: a safer bathroomcan help prevent falls and other accidents that can lead to injuries, poor health, lengthyhospital stays and loss of independence. visit for more tips onbathroom safety and links to other helpful resources. super: more tips on caring for your elderly parent, please watch our other videos at you. super: gdn] gdn] how to make the bathroom safer for yourelderly parent jenny briskman visiting nurse service of ny microsoft word 10.0 theseiden group how to make the bathroom safer for your elderly parent title microsoft worddocument msworddoc word.document.8