modern lounge bar interior design ideas

how do you design a bar for a pizzarestaurant? in this video i'll show you why the bar equipment requirements forpizza restaurants are unique and the cost is much less. coming up! hey, rick uzubell again from cabaret design group, where i share my personal ideas and tips on bar design, draught beer system design and product reviews. later in this video, i'll give you 'today's takeaway.' if you're new here, please consider subscribing and check-out the show notes and links
in the 'youtube description' below. now let's jump into the show! when you think of pizza, you think of beer. this is why pizza restaurants typically sell 60% beer, 20% wine and 20% alcohol and therefore, willhave different bar equipment than that of fine dining restaurants, which sell amuch higher percentage of liquor and wine and very little beer. here's an example of a pizza restaurant bar we designed for a client. this is markedly different from
other bars we've designed. the major differenceis in the amount of alcohol sold. the most notable changes are as follows: 1). the ice bins are less sophisticated, so simple ice bins can be used in lieu oflarger combination ice bins with bottle wells for mixers -- a savings of $500 perunit; 2). because less alcohol is sold, there is less of a need to displayit and in many instances, the back bar can be eliminated in its entirety, whichcould save up to us$5,000 or more, and 3). the under-bar glass washer can be eliminated, since commercial kitchens have an extensive amount of dishwashing equipment.
this results in a savings of at least us$4,000. the equipment shown in this bar layout is approximately us$15,000 -- or about us$7,500 per station and represents about a 30% savings, as compared to an equivalent bar selling a high percentage of liquor. from a personal perspective, it's always best to wash the bar glassware in the bar. i believe that this is the only way to efficiently operate a busy bar.
i also believe in displaying liquor, as it's the most profitable -- especially if a craft cocktail menu is instituted. a craft cocktail menu is a must -- even for pizza restaurants! as i'vewritten in an earlier post, referenced below, craft cocktails yield the greatestprofit potential for all bar owners -- so you don't want to be a non-participantin that extremely lucrative offering. lastly, you'll notice the ergonomic efficiency of this bar layout. with both bartenders moving primarily from side-to-side and neither has to walk
more than two steps in either direction. ergonomically-designed bartenderstations equate to efficiently-run bars and happier customers, which willmaximize your profits and turn your bar into a cash cow! see you next time!