realistic bathroom design ideas

realistic bathroom design ideas

(man) hi there, girl,can i squirtle on your jigglypuff? (ian) shut up! i can't wait to discover new pokã©mon. i just better make sure i don'twalk in front of anyone while-- damn it, i am not fighting anyone! oh, no, no, i wantedto give you a cool new move that you could teach to your pokã©mon. it's called "fly." you just teach it to any flying pokã©mon

and you can ride it to any destination. so you're telling meif i taught this to a tiny little bird pokã©mon, i couldfly on its back or something? anything's possible with pokã©mon. (muttering) you freakin' jackass. 'kay, now i can finally start my quest... what the hell? wild mankey appeared! oh sweet, a wild pokã©mon!

mankey, extremely quick to anger. you mean "monkey"? mankey. no, that's definitely a monkey. - mankey.- whatever! - you're going down, monkey!- mankey. go, pikachu! pikachu. all right, pikachu! use quick attack!

- pika!- (mankey chattering) pikachu usedquick attack. critical hit! - all right, monkey...- mankey. shut the f--k up! all right, you're mine! damn it! but i'll get you this time! 20 minutes later i'm bound to catch you sometime.

wild mankey becamebored. whatever, i didn't want you anyway. that monkey may have tested my resolve, but i'm not gonna let thatdiscourage me from-- - better not be another freakin' monkey!- mankey. wild charizardappeared! whoa! we're not gonnalet this one get away. quick, pikachu, use ak-47 attack! pika?

(gun cocks) pika...chu!!! (automatic gunfire, charizard groaning) it's super effective! all right, i've got youthis time, charizard! ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ booya!charizard was caught! yeah! hey, you douchebag! i want a rematch!

oh god, all right,charizard, come out now! (roars) all right, charizard,get us the hell out of here! use fly! charizard cannot learnfly. but he has wings; it's not like i'm trying to teach itto a freakin' monkey. - mankey.- (wings fluttering) whoo! pidgey, f--k yeah! (laughs)

(ian) to see bloopersfrom this video and more, click the link in the description below! quick! use subscribe attackby clicking the yellow button! ♪ (light cheerful tune) ♪ if this music is givingyou a nostalgia-boner that lasts longer than four hours, contact your physician immediately. it's bad. happened to me once.

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