indoor outdoor bathroom design ideas

do you love the soothing sights and soundsof gurgling water? create a small water feature for your patio. all you need is a containerfountain kit, a water type container, and a few water living plants. step 1: selecta suitable container. this 7 inch deep by 24 inch diameter bowl is a great size. makesure the container you pick doesn't have drainage holes. it also should be deep enough to keepa small pump submerged in water. step 2: place the bowl on your patio or at the edge of thegarden close to an outdoor outlet. you'll need a nearby powers source for the fountainpump. surrounding plants will help conceal the power cord. step 3: place the pump nearthe center of the bowl and then fill the bowl with fresh water. plug in the pump and findyour favorite water pattern. we like the bell
effect. next, add water plants. for this watergarden, we selected water lettuce and baby [unk] dwarf cypress. decorative stones willhelp keep soil from splashing out of the pot. the cypress needs soil for growth so keepit in its pot and set it, pot and all, in the water garden. then add water lettuce whichfloats freely. step 4: summer maintenance is simple. just add water to keep the pumpcompletely submerged and trim off dead or wayward leaves. a container water feature,it's simply beautiful.