red white blue living room ideas

red white blue living room ideas

now decorations, they don't always shave tobe sugary and kind of pretty. we can always go with something that we like to give anadded taste. so what i like to do is add just a little bit of coconut. and if you're coconutcrazy, you can put it all over the cake. but for all intents and purposes of this recipe,we're just going to take a few kind of finger full pieces of the coconut and spread it around.some pre-cut pecan chips and we're just going to add a little on the top. and this givesit a really good taste. as an added touch, remember earlier when we went around and slicedoff the edges of the cake. now that doesn't always has to happen if you burn the cakeor it's a little brown on the sides. you can actually do that to add more decoration toyour cake. so what i've done is i have the

pieces that i've cut, and i'm just reallykind of shaving them down into little crumbs. and it's really to your liking. you can leavethem really big and chunky, or you can do them very fine. and i'm just making them looklike crumbs. and it looks so pretty on your cake, especially around the holidays. so whati usually do is, i use my fingers for this. i'll just take a few of the crumbs in my hand,not that many because you, if this is your first time trying it you don't want to gooverboard with it. and so i just take a few, and i just place them around the side of thecake. we're going to turn our cake plate. and that's the other thing. when you're doingyour icing on your cake plate, and your decorations, it's so much easier just to take your cakeplate and just turn. this is just an added

feature; you don't have to do this. but italways looks great.

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