living room paint colors lowes

chandeliers aren’t just for the dining roomanymore. there are so many styles available you can use them in every room to give yourhome the look of luxury. before you buy, though, consider size. a mini chandelier can bring beauty to thesmaller rooms in your house. hang one in the powder room, master bedroom closet (may notbe for everyone) or hallway to add a little sparkle. a medium-size chandelier makes a great focalpoint for the kitchen, dining room, living room or bedroom. large chandeliers work best in a great roomor a large foyer with vaulted ceilings. try
one like this, or even this to fill the space. a handy formula for deciding on size is toadd the length and width of your room. that number in inches is the diameter chandelieryou need. it’s that simple. the style of your chandelier depends on yourlifestyle. are you casual? formal? vintage? when you’re ready to hang your chandelier,make sure the bottom of it is 28 to 32 inches above the table or countertop. if you want to hang it here, make sure it’sat least 9 feet above the floor, but consider your ceiling height. just remember two things:
one – don’t let the chandelier block anyone’sview. and two – don’t hang it so low that someonebonks their head on it. now you can enjoy a beautiful new light intime for your next dinner party.