minimalist living room small apartment

minimalist living room small apartment

so i know that decor tips and minimalism don't usually go together but i thought i would show you guys my tips on how i decorate so the first one is to observe the space that you're moving into i am a little bit of a control freak and i do you like to draw it down on paper and plan how i'm going to decorate but it's up to you how you want to do that my next tip is to pick a theme for the rooms in your home or your apartment i find that having one consistent theme throughout it helps make it feel a little bit bigger than it actually is because you're not breaking off the space with each individual room i know these tips might not suit everybody but i thought i would just share my top ones when it does come to decorating your own place

start with the essentials so if you're moving into a new place or you don't have so much furniture that you're moving in you will quickly discover what you do actually really need the next one of course is to declutter so i do have a 60-day minimalism challenge video somewhere on my channel i'll link it in the description box for you guys but that will give you tips on how to declutter and make sure that the space is open and that you do earn the things that you still need to own

next i personally like to choose simple decor because i find that it's less distracting on the eyes so a lot of the times i like to make things myself such as the plant stand or the banjo even my bed head and then i like to invest in quality items for the rest of my house blank floors and walls are a must for me because they do again open up the space and you know help stop it from looking cluttered and looking like it's closing in i feel like when i'm in a space that has a lot of stuff on the walls all the walls are coming in around me so i like to try and keep them open and empty and clear this works especially well if you live in a hot climate like i do i personally have never collected anything i've never understood

the concept of collecting anything but this is burrows office so you can see, he collects hats and he collects shoes and he collects jerseys i find that having collections out on display really eats in on the space that you have and if you contrast that to my office which is the same size i feel like it looks a lot bigger just because it's white and it's bright and it's very open and there's nothing taking up all the space next is to utilize smart storage if you're lucky your apartment or house might already have storage built in if you're renting or perhaps you could look at doing that yourself if you own or? you can make little

portable storage options so these are some shelves and i've chucked some drawers in them fair enough for most of my empty but they're there just in case my final tip is to shop slower and really make sure that what you're purchasing for your home is something that you truly want it can be as simple as which bowl is going to suit my needs best and which one am i going to want to keep for the longest i find to do this i like to shop online because it means that i can compare things i can bookmark them i don't feel that pressure to buy them and take them home straight away i hope you enjoyed this video and leave me a comment below if you had to pick one decor style for your home what

would that be i'd love to hear from you guys? don't forget to hit subscribe and i'll catch you in my next video bye

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