apartment living room office ideas

apartment living room office ideas

i'm on enshanã© nomoto i live in vancouver washington. i have prioritized my kids space, i'veprioritized the first floor where i have guests. but, i left my space to just deteriorate into chaos. we got the laundry room right here and the overflow just kind of came out itwas supposed to be a hobby space i wanted to keep my books up here. i wanted to study more. i've traveled a lot. i have a lot of experiences that i want toshare and i want to write and getting that down on paper and eventuallysharing it with the world the time has come; clear out the old and bring in thenew. thus starts the next chapter.

i'm excited to just be able to walk up these steps and say this is mine, this is it, this is what i was envisioning for this room this whole time. this is so me. it incorporates alot of my travels. it incorporates a lot of my philosophy with life and color andthere is the bold patterns but also the very kind of feminine elements and myspiritual elements are here so it's an inspiring room and it's also verygrounding and everything that i need is right here at my fingertips but also thefunctionality of being able to get the laundry done but having the properstorage to accommodate it is it's perfect. this change, not only does itchange that

it aligns me with my purpose. writing,working in a peaceful space is ideal. i feel like i have a special place justfrom me and i just i'm just overwhelmed at how amazing this place turned out.decluttering the space has allowed me to declutter my mind and my life and kindof let go of things that i was holding on to and it's going to allow me to moveforward. i can already feel that and it just feels so much lighter and like aburden was lifted and now i can look toward a career and really focusing onwhat i want to do. this is the best because it's my official chill space. imade it up last night and it's called chill mode check that out check it outlike you see that and you know it was

perfect it was perfect and i spent therest of the evening sipping wine with my friend and here we are back on. we werecomplaining recently about this space because you know all these townhomeshave the same type of space and we're both standing there and she's saying idon't know what what to do with that space but going through this process iwant her to come and see how functional and how purposeful it really can be andhopefully inspire her to get started on her loft.

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