college apartment living room decorations

college apartment living room decorations

alright, so this is my room. okay first thing, my favorite part is my deskright here. here you see i just have my external monitor,this isn't a computer. it's my monitor for my laptop and i use itfor graphic design related stuff because i need to see what i'm doing. this is my little rose gold keyboard and i'vegot this apple mouse with this little boho rug mousepad. and here is my little schedule for the weekand these are just some sunglasses that i got for free.

like i only had to pay the shipping. and they don't look cute on me but they lookkinda cute for decoration. this is a picture of my sister. i keep my coffee grinder in my bedroom justbecause none of my roommates grind coffee and i don't want to be super loud grindingcoffee in the kitchen because this coffee grinder is like so loud. this is a beautiful little rosary that i gotin mexico years ago. i used to go to mexico like every year andi just got it from this lady that makes and sells jewelry.

if you're from southern california, you rememberhow everyone was wearing rosaries weirdly and it was like a trend. i never really wore this because my familyis hispanic so most of them are catholic and i didn't want to be disrespectful to them,but i love the beading on it. let me get a close up on this beading. yeah there's a closer shot on the beading. it's so beautiful and then i've just got thissuper adorable little amethyst air plant and i think i'm going to do a crystal collectionvideo but i just got this off etsy from a shop called air friend.

this area of my desk is just my little sacredspace. i've got a lot of things that mean a lot tome. here we have a picture of me and my sisterand my brother from when we were little and this is another picture of my brother fromwhen he was in the navy. this is a hair piece that i made for myselfand it was obviously fresh and now it's dead. but i made it for my 21st birthday. this is a poem somebody gave me. this is another crystal and this little vasething holds my incense and i got it in costa rica and it's made from mango wood.

it's super pretty. this little deck of cards is so beautiful. i just bought it for the artwork. this is my favorite card. the empathy card. i love it, it's so beautiful, but the artworkis insane. i'll link the instagram below of the personthat sells and makes them. then here, this is my little lotus flowerthing. and i've got some palo santo, and this littlebutton that says "stay sacred."

project 615 sticker. if you're from nashville, you know what thisis. some earrings. just a lighter with some hemp wick and itmakes lighting that candle way easier so hemp wick comes in handy a lot of times. this is my tattoo artist's sticker thing. i ordered something off of poison apple printshop, i believe, and they sent me this creepy picture of this person from i don't know howlong ago. it's super creepy but i loved it so i justkept it and i keep it in this little flower.

then we've got my incense burner. then here we've got my planner. i've got the "yamas and the niyamas" whichis just the ethical practice of yoga. "maldoror" by lautremont. here we just have my bed area and i actuallygot this lovely tapestry you're seeing in the middle east. it's super beautiful and i absolutely loveit. i did this with my walls. i've just got some airplants and a bunch ofphotos i hung up with copper wire and string

lights and i think it's really pretty. so i've just got a few pillows and my pillowpet and a tapestry of course because... i guess i'm basic, but i just hung it up ina kind of cool way. some of the photos are of my photography. then other ones are just ones off instagramor like some of my older photos from when i was a kid. i don't put a lot of my photography up herebut i do put some that are really meaningful to me like this one was really special. this photo was the first image i took wherei learned i could like speak through photography.

this is another picture of my brother. this is close to where we lived in californiagrowing up. by the devil's punch bowl and then this isus somewhere outside seattle where he lives now. so, started from the bottom now we here. so here we have my little beauty area. my old roommate got me this flag. i used to have a british roommate, a roommatefrom new york and then me. in our living room we hung up the flag fromthe uk, california flag, a new york flag,

and the american flag because my friend from england is a us citizen now so it was like all these places but we came together. so it was super fun but i don't live withthem anymore. i've just got these jars with my makeup brushesand some pretty oil from urban outfitters. then this clear acrylic storage system. i've just got this light up mirror and thenthese two little succulents and a treasure chest full of crystals and i make little waxseals for my letters so that's in there as well. i've got a hand-lettered print from a localgraphic designer.

this is a card that someone gave me. "i hope your day is as nice as your butt." there's nothing too exciting in here. there's just random disorganization. oh i like solve rubik's cubes so that's alittle nerd fact about me. i've got my canon f1 and this is an awesomecamera and this is my ultimate baby. this is a hasselblad 500c and it is mediumformat and is actually the kind of camera that they used to take the photos on the firstmoon landing. these are some cool little tables that i made.

we have my paint brushes and my paint palette. i just use a picture frame for my paint palette. behind my monitor, is a canvas that i madeand i'm not going to show you the painting because i only have the first layer on it,and it's an oil painting. if you've done oil painting you know the firstlayer can look kind of crazy. up here i've got my little tibetan prayerflags and i actually bought this dream catcher while i was in alaska from eskimos which wassuper cool. i know it's like super basic to have a dreamcatcher in my room but i feel like since i got it in alaska that's like a pass.

you know what i mean. ha. here we have my closet and i just hung upthese old lace curtains i had with a tension rod. this hat i got it signed in chicago by mattkemp and joc pederson. i almost never wear it now because it's signed,so unless i'm going to a game, don't really wear it. here i just have my backpack and my yoga matand the backpack is made by venque craft company and the yoga mat holder is actually somethingthat was given to me when my grandma passed

away. she used to do yoga every day, so now i havethat because i'm really the only person in my family that does yoga. but yeah, i think that just about covers it. super small, but i absolutely love it. so that was the tour of my apartment. i hope you guys enjoyed this. if you did, leave a like and subscribe formore videos each week. you guys have been so awesome.

i'll see you all next time. bye.

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