about italian interior design

about italian interior design

-nate obviously hasgone through so much. and when we met, itwas cellular for me. you know, he's-- likei said in our wedding, i really feel like he'sjust kind of engraved in every part of me. and you know this,obviously, having known him, he carries around this abilityto make people feel so safe. oprah winfrey: yeah.

and it's been unnerving. but you know whatreally struck me? don't-- ok, i'mnot going to cry. i'm not going to cry. well, good, 'causei'm not either. -no, what struck me so much---i'm fine, guys. -ok, what struck me so much---as usual. what struck me from the weddingfrom when you were saying your vows-- andyou in particular,

jeremiah, when youtalked about-- it was such a biglesson for everybody. you were saying you honor everypart of his past and everything that he'd been through. so it's not like you--like, that never happened, and it's only about me. to be able to accept thatthis is what happened to you, and i love thatpart of you also. yeah, i mean, f'sa part of that.

oprah winfrey: youtalk about the tsumani and your loss of love. and f's a partof our love story. there's no two ways about it. we're walking throughthis experience. yes, we're married this time. but he's definitelya part of it. we were speaking aboutit the other night. oprah winfrey: fernando.

yeah. i oddly feel connected to him. and i honor that story. our daughter willknow who he was. we have picturesof him in the home. and i didn't knowhow to articulate what i needed for that ina new relationship, in a new chance at life. oprah winfrey: thatis so powerful.

that's when, at the wedding,i went, boo, hoo, hoo, hoo. i think you went, oh, lord. i think i did. i did. that was nice 'causei needed a break. everyone cracked up. oprah winfrey: oh, lord. no, it did get heavy. and the truth is thatwas a heavy, heavy thing.

and it changed me, as i'vetalked about for years. but i didn't know howto articulate what i needed from a new relationship. i didn't know how to articulatehow to keep that and honor that but still move forwardwithout any guilt or any fear around that. i worry about anythinghappening to him. i worry obviously becausei've had such great loss. i don't want to gothrough that again.

no one does, whether you'vehad it or you haven't. but i just-- i think thathe was the first-- you were the first person tocome into my life and not be threatened or afraid,not afraid to poke the damage and say, that happened. let's talk about it. let's figure it out. and how can it be part of ourworld in a way that's healthy? and so it is.

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